What we offer

GrowthGenius custom-builds an automated sales pipeline with personalized messaging that targets qualified leads and delivers interested responses right to your inbox, allowing you to step in and close. Save time, eliminate sales cycle friction, and grow smarter.

Discover thousands of new customers
With our database of +300M contacts and billions of company data points, we build you contact lists of thousands of your most ideal customers.
Modernize your sales process with our data driven approach
We make your sales process more intelligent by pairing a rigorous, data driven methodology and human experts to grow your sales faster.
Grow big on a small budget
No need to hire sales reps or pay for expensive software. We give you a team of sales pros equipped with the latest sales tech and a proven playbook.
More time back in your day
We manage the entire prospecting process for you so you can focus on the important things, like running your business.
Conversations that resonate with your customers
Our professional copywriting team create personalized sequences of messages designed to capture your voice, represent your brand, and convert your ideal customers at rates 3-5x the industry average.
Advice and support from experts at every step
We provide you with a team of sales experts who guide and support you as we grow your business together.

We simplify sales prospecting

Proactively building a pipeline of qualified prospects is a key driver of your company's growth, but it's a complex and tedious process. We simplify prospecting for you by giving you the results - meetings with your ideal customers - without any of the work and at a fraction of the cost.

In-House Prospecting Activites
Lead Generation
Verifying Contacts
Enriching Leads
Researching Prospects
Writing Personalized Emails + LinkedIn Messages
Coordinating Follow Ups
A/B Testing Messaging
Reviewing Results
Prospecting Simplified
Fatima Zaidi, VP of Business Development, Eighty-Eight
"Having the sales prospecting done for me allowed me to focus on building relationships. GrowthGenius got us really solid leads. They took the time to understand the types of clients that we were looking for and wrote great email copy that comes across as genuine."
Fatima Zaidi, VP of Business Development, Eighty-Eight

Frequently Asked Questions

Emails sent with GrowthGenius look as if you typed them manually for each contact:

1. You create an email in a plain text mode, which doesn’t look like a commercial email.

2. GrowthGenius offers multiple variables, like <first name>, <company>, <country>, and more. You can also create an unlimited number of custom variables.

3. For more personalization, you can change particular emails for specific prospects in the ‘Preview’ tab before launching a campaign.

4. Instead of adding a mandatory opt-out link, you can insert an opt-out text line at the end on an email, such as ‘P.S. Let me know if you are not interested’. It is absolutely compliant with legislation such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM and feels much more personal.

It's a sequence of several emails - first email and several follow-ups are sent on your behalf. To create and launch an email campaign, just follow a step-by-step setup wizard:

1. Add content to the email body - you can create it yourself or use one of GrowthGenius' out-of-the-box templates.

2. Add people to the campaign

3. Add a schedule to specify the time and days of the week your emails will be sent you.

The default sending limit for emails per day from one connected email account is 400 emails (based on Google’s sending policy).

Sure! GrowthGenius’ Team Edition allows users to collaborate with prospects, campaigns, schedules, and templates within the team, and see detailed statistics of each team member.

You can manage the workload between team members and specify permissions by choosing between Public or Private modes within the Team Edition. Moreover, it is designed to supercharge account-based selling in teams – collaborate on prospect and company levels for better outreach.

We have a set of guidelines to help you avoid getting your emails treated, labeled and marked as Spam. However, there is no guarantee that your prospects are not going to mark you as spam unless you make your lead lists more targeted or bring more value to your contacts when emailing them.

Your level of support. Instead of live chat and email support, you have access to bi-weekly 1-on-1 sessions with a Growth Manager and your intial campaign will be set up.

Still have unanswered questions? Get in touch

Ready to get more sales meetings with your ideal customers?

Put our team of prospecting experts to work for you today.